
Israel Supreme Court rule to evacuate Al-Khan Al-Ahmar Bedouin community

Israel Supreme Court ruled on May 24, 2018 to evacuate the residents of Bedouin communities in Al-Khan Al-Ahmar area and demolish their structures on the claim of them being "unlicensed". Noteworthy, the decision was made even after the objections made by the affected  residents.

It is reported the demolition order will be effective starting from June. As planned, the Israeli Occupation Forces will evacuate 257 families from the community and relocate them in Abu Dis area, taking into account that the target lands belong to citizens from Abu Dis area and are not suitable for residential ends due to it being a dumb in previous years.

It is worth mentioning that the Israeli Occupation Forces expelled Bedouins in 1948 from their original habitat in Beer Saba area.

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One affected Bedouin told Land Research Center the following:

"Since ten years ago, we sensed the occupation's intention to displace us from the area; we have been harassed and banned to construct and expand structures, which are made of tin plates and wood. In the same time, Israeli colonies were expanding rapidly in the area's periphery. Bedouin had to sell their sheep due to the decrease in the grazing".

He added:

" We knew that the occupation plans to relocate us in the Jordan Valley and Abu Dis, but we refuse this. We live the Bedouin life style, which cannot be applied in cities and urban areas. Plus, moving to the planned areas will be at the expense of their residents, who will find no place in the future for the demographic expansion"

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To implement the E1 Plan, which will take place on Al-Khan Al-Ahmar lands, to evacuate Bedouins and replace them with colonists, Israel Land Fund declared fifty residential units for sale ( out of 200). Another Israeli company advertised for 200 units in the area for sale.

This case study is part of Kan'aan Project

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