
“Price Tag” colonists ruin car and write hatred inciting slogans in ‘Urif/ Nablus governorate

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Violation: ruining car tires and writing hatred inciting slogans.

Location: ‘Urif/ Nablus governorate

Date: June 28 – 2018.

Perpetrator: “Price Tag” gangsters from Yizhar illegal settlement.

Victims: villagers of ‘Urif town.

Description: In June 26, a group of fanatic colonists sneaked into ‘Urif town , reached Beir Jinan and Kaffet Al-Masna’a areas about 500 meters away from Yizhar and ruined tires of 2 cars belong to citizen Ghaleb Amer (59)  and his son, and wrote hatres inciting slogans on  a nearby retaining wall and an agricultural barracks belongs to villager Mohammad Amer (64).

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side of the attack on the citizen's properties

Adel Al-Amer from ‘Urif rural council explained that gangsters of “Price tag” break-ins and arson attacks on Palestinians in the suburb areas are meant to terror and harass Palestinian citizens to push them out of their areas. The commit crimes, like torching trees, cutting them and stealing them in the dark time. Other than, writing hatred inciting slogans.

Gangsters of such type are reported taught the ideology of leftism in Israeli religious groups. "Hatred for Arabs" and "kill them all" are some of their slogans.

In spite of all the complaints charged through Palestinian cooperation to the Israeli government, the last party did not do anything to stop these assaults.


About 12 km south west Nablus, ‘Urif is inhabited by 3624 people in 2017 census. The village has an area of 4069 dunums , 319 of them are a built up area. ‘Urif is surrounded by ‘Asira al Qibliya (north) , Jamma’in (west) , Huwwara (east) , Yizhar settlement is built over parts of Huwwara lands, Jamma’in and Einabus  (south).

“Yizhar” illegal colony devoured 64 dunums of the town’s land, the colony was established in 1981 and inhabited by 440 colonists.

Oslo Accords divided the lands of Urif as follows:

3,083 dunums are classified as area B

981 dunums are classified as area C


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