
Colonists Pave a Road to an Outpost in Khallet Hamad / Tubas Governorate

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Violation: Paving a new road and adding new shacks.

Location: People of Khirbet Al-Himeh / The northern Jordan Valley.

Date: July 20th 2021.

Perpetrators: Israeli illegal colonists.

Victims: Farmers at the area.


 Israeli illegal colonists escalate colonial expansionist activities in the Jordan Valley. Tuesday, July 20th 2021, colonists paved a road that connects the outpost to road “Alon”, the targeted road is (900 m* 4 m).

 People of Al-Himmeh Bedouin community 60 m away for the random outpost are mostly affected by its growth, especially that its now devouring more than 23 dunums of Khirbet Al-Himmeh east Tubas, while the occupation prohibits Palestinian construction there , and impose pressure on residents to push them to leave the area for the favor of future colonial projects.

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The colonial road

The Outpost was illegally built on a pastoral area, the occupation claims that large part of which are state properties, and the other part belongs to farmers from ‘Ein Al-Bayda. The Construction of the outpost took place at the same time as demolishing all tents and structures in Al-Himmeh Bedouin community, and during the past four years, the outpost received much support from colonial organizations and settlements council at the Jordan Valley, where nine new agricultural structures were reportedly built.

The outpost was established by illegal colonists coming from Giv’at Salit illegal colony, built on confiscated agricultural lands that belong to farmers from Bardala in the Jordan Valley in 2003, and now the colony is devouring vast areas of lands.

At the time colonists open and pave new colonial road, the occupation is destroying and threatening Palestinian roads established and rehabilitated at the West Bank , in 2021 the Israeli occupation destroyed tens of agricultural dunums.