
The Occupation Confiscates 1167 Dunums of Waqf Lands East Jericho

Violation: The Israeli Occupation changes usage of hundreds dunums of land.

Location: An-Nabi Musa area, Deir Abu Hajla and Az-Zour / Jericho governorate.

Date: August 12th 2021.

Perpetrators: Governmental properties department / The Israeli Occupation.

Victims: Palestinian Waqf and number of farmers at the area.


Thursday, August 12th 2021, Deir Abu Hajla farmers found number of Arab and Hebrew signs installed on a plot that belongs to the Islamic Waqf nearby bypass 90 and issued by the so-called Israeli Civil Administration Beit El registration office, and entitled an announcement to register immovable property / An-Nabi Musa, the announcement targets natural block “1” pieces “11,13”, about 1167 dunums to be confiscated.

According to the records of the Islamic Waqf in Jericho governorate, Piece 13 of natural block “1” , which has a total area of 1026.459 dunums , is registered in the name of the Hashemite Kingdom Treasury. Instead for 695 dunums registered by the Palestinian registration Department in the name of the Islamic Waqf, within An-Nabi Musa area.

While Piece “11” of natural block 1 with an area of 140.199 dunums is registered by the Palestinian Land Registration department in the name of the Hashemite kingdom.

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Photos 1-2: The targeted location

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Photo 3: Waqf Property Document

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Photo 4: The announcement on the targeted location

The targeted lands are located to the southeast of Jericho city, most of them are postures. Noteworthy, between 1967 and this day the Israeli Civil Administration through its executive departments imposed heavy restriction to use these lands, the occupation also aimed to close the area under claims that it is a border area nearby Israeli Colonies.

The Responsible on Colonization File in Jericho Governorate told LRC:

“This is an attempt to annex vast areas of lands to the southern Jordan Valley, after evicting its indigenous people, and it is only a part of the accelerating Judaization scheme at the Jordan Valley.”

Noteworthy, Most Residential and agricultural structures in rural and Bedouin communities received halt of work or removal orders on the pretext of building without a license.

While legal consultant Hani Zbaidat in Jericho and the Jordan Valley pointed out on the following:

“Clearly, there is an Israeli plan to take over Waqf lands at the Jordan Valley, to serve colonization schemes, this can be proved by many examples. In other words, a massive Israeli colonization scheme is being implemented at the Jordan Valley while the world is watching in silence.”

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Waqf in 2020. The Islamic Waqf owns 261,000 dunums in An-Nabi Musa and Al-Fashkha areas nearby the Dead Sea, Al-‘Auja and Deir Abu Hajla. Around 222,000 dunums of which are under full control of the Occupation Forces, and were turned them into military bases and buffer zones, while the rest were given to the Israeli settlement council , where many illegal Israeli colonies were built including : (N’iran , Jiljal, Netiv Higdod , Beit Ha’arava, and Omer.”

Reportedly, the targeted lands are under the supervision of the Palestinian Ministry of Waqf, about 37,018 dunums, of which 7,675 were leased to farmers and Palestinian agricultural associations. And there are 29,343 dunums unused currently that the Waqf are leasing to farmers for development.

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