
The Israeli Occupation Ravaged vast areas of lands in Khirbet Al-Farisiya / Tubas governorate

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  • Violation: ravaging pastoral lands for Israeli settlement.
  • Location: Khirbet Al Farisiyah / Tubas Governorate.
  • Date 04/05/2022.
  • perpetrator: the settlement of “Sal'it”.
  • Victims: Khirbet Al Farisiyah "Ahmer".


The Israeli occupation bulldozer raze and level vast areas of pastoral lands in Khirbet Al-Farisiya “Ahmer” east of Tubas Governorate.

According to LRC's field researchers, the ravages covered more than 65 dunums of pastoral lands, which the occupation classifies as “state” lands, noting that the ravages are between the illegal colony of “Sel'it” in the south to reach only few meters from the homes of farmers in that hamlet . The main reason for this aggression  is to establish a new colonial neighborhood. More about this source text Source text required for additional translation information

It is noteworthy that two years ago, a group of settlers set up a colonial outpost in that place in a preliminary step for land expansion and confiscation.  A water tank was placed by the settlers on the site followed by land cultivation.

Haj Khader Daraghmeh, one of the residents of Khirbet Al-Farisiyah, told LRC  researcher the following:

“What is happening now is actually the displacement of the entire population of Khirbet al-Farisiya, as the homes of the colonists will be adjacent to our homes, and the occupation will seek in malicious ways to displace us from the place, by restricting our movement and confiscating the entire pastures which will pave the way for our forced displacement".   

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Khirbet Al-Farisiya “Ahmir” is currently inhabited by more than 13 rural families whose origins go back to Tubas, most of them are from the “Daraghmeh” family. They own the land according to official “Tabu” papers, and they depend entirely on agriculture and sheep breeding as main income of livelihood. They live in tents that do not protect them from the cold of winter or the heat of summer.

In 2010, the occupation authorities carried out a large-scale demolition campaign  that affected the entire hamlet, followed by daily  harassment that limits the movement of citizens there.

The settlement of "Sel'it" is one of the agricultural settlements established by the occupation authorities in the Jordan Valley in the year 2003. It is constantly expanding on the lands of Khirbet Al-Hama and Khirbet Al-Farisiya.

United Nations General Assembly resolutions on Israeli settlement

1-  United Nations General Assembly resolution of 20/1/1972, in which it demanded that Israel is asked to stop  a number of measures and practices, including (building Israeli settlements in the occupied Arab territories and transferring some of the civilian population from Israel to the occupied Arab territories).

2- United Nations General Assembly resolution of 15/12/1972, in which the General Assembly requested Israel to stop annexing any part of the occupied Arab territories, establishing settlements in those lands, and transferring the population to them.

3- United Nations General Assembly of 7/12/1973, in which the General Assembly expressed its grave concern over Israel's violation of the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and all measures taken by Israel to change the features of the occupied territories or their demographic composition, and considered them a grave violation of international law.

4- United Nations General Assembly Resolution of 29/11/1974 in which the General Assembly expressed its deepest concern over the annexation by Israel of some parts of the occupied territories, the establishment of settlements and the transfer of residents to them.

5- United Nations General Assembly resolution of 15/12/1975, consisting of four sections, and in the first section it condemned all the measures that Israel practices in the occupied territories, describing these practices as serious violations of the United Nations Charter and an obstacle to the establishment of a lasting and just peace in the region, stressing that these procedures are null and void, and have no basis of legitimacy.

6- General Assembly Resolution of 28/10/1977, which affirmed in its first clause that all measures and actions taken by Israel in the Palestinian territories and other Arab territories occupied in 1967 are legally untrue, and are a serious obstruction to the endeavors to reach a just and permanent peace in the Middle East. The General Assembly also deeply regrets that Israel continues to implement these measures, in particular the establishment of settlements in the occupied Arab territories.