
Yizhar colonists cut down olive trees in Nablus governorate

Violation: cutting down trees

Location:  Madama village

Date:  March 07, 2018

Perpetrators: Yizhar colony

Victims:  farmer Fayez Zeyada


 A group of fanatic colonists from Yizhar damaged and cut down on March 07, 2018  some olive trees in Al-Qu'dat area, south Madama village; more specifically nearby Yizhar colony that is originally founded on parts of confiscated lands from Madama.

Reportedly, the attacked parcel belong to farmer Fayez Zeyada (75), colonists used sharp tools to damage and cut down around 15 olive trees aging between 5-20 years.

The affected farmer told Land Research Center that he saw some people in his land and that when he headed to the location with his sons and the village council to check on it, some colonists were seen carrying out the attack. The attackers managed to flee before the owner arrived, the farmer said.

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Farmer Zeyad checking on his lands after the attack

Madama is 12km  to the southeast of Nablus and is surrounded by Iraq Burin and Till (north), Asira al Qibliya (west), Burin (east), and Urif (south).

According to 2014 population projections , Madama is inhabited by 2262 people.

It has a total area of 3824 dunums, 190 of which are built-up area of the village.

The Israeli occupation confiscated 118 dunums for Yitzhar colony which was built on Madama lands in 1983. The colony is inhabited by 400 colonists.

The Israeli occupation is not only taking over land and water resources of the  village, but they are also targeting Palestinians residing there through attacking them on almost a daily basis.

About Yizhar:

It was established in 1983 with a total built-up area of 788 dunums. The colony populates 440 colonists and is founded on confiscated lands from the Palestinian villages of Burin, Huwwara, Einabus, Urif, Asira Al-Qibliya and Madama.

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